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 | Shincci  Global

Drying Technology

 | Shincci  Global Drying Technology


Shincci Went to South Korea to Discuss New Project with Partner

Upload time:2019-12-13

Mr. Lim, Chairman of Hanmee, warmly welcomed Director Wang and his party to South Korea, and introduced the progress of the new project, construction conditions, technical issues to be tackled, and project operation planning goals. Mr. Lim said that since the establishment of the HS dryer joint venture with Guangzhou Shincci in the middle of last year, the company has deepened the industrial layout of sludge drying and sludge reduction, using low temperature evaporation technology as the plow, and has taken various measures to broaden the South Korean sludge treatment market.



Sludge Type:
Dewatering Type:
DS Rate--for liquid sludge inlet to dewatering machine (Only needed when we are expected to offer dewatering machine):%
Inlet sludge: Tonne(s)/Day
Inlet moisture: %
Outlet moisture: %
Working hours:Hour(s)/Day